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Experian wins Fortune and Great Place to Work® for World’s Best Workplaces 2024

Experian wins Fortune and Great Place to Work® for World’s Best Workplaces 2024

DUBLIN, Ireland

Experienced ist von Fortune and Great Place to Work® in the World’s Best Workplaces 2024 ranking published. Mit dieser Auszeichnung werden 25 ausgewählte global Unternehmen mit den weltweit besten Arbeitsplatzkulturen gewürdigt. The initiative is focused on Experian’s “People First” culture, fostering integration, innovation and innovation, and personal investment, as well as team training in the avant-garde group.

For January 14, this international prestige list is listed Great Place To Work® 6.2 million working companies and companies from all over the world for the most important factors, the most famous operating locations and the analyzed operating program of the companies, which have invested 18 million companies in the world. Companies have undertaken their initiatives to attract businesses and foster a positive influence of people and businesses in many countries around the world.

“It’s a good idea,” said Brian Cassin, president and CEO of Experian. “You need the rigorous work, environment and creativity, our measures for labeling in our companies, and your continued efforts for excellence, innovation and investment. »

As part of the smartest global programs, the development efforts of a Schaffen work group, in all areas of team activity, as well as sustainable resources for skills, solutions to the psychological problems of Mitarbeitenden, technology hackathons, the development of innovative teams Ken, Sowie Gelegenheiten zur Karriereentwicklung et beruflichen Weiterbildung like a Karrierewoche, the University of Experian or the Leadership Exchange.

“We are now one of the best managers in the world, and in the last few months we have had the chance to prioritize it,” said Jacky Simmonds, chief human resources officer at Experian. “Our commitment is the result of the unique commitment, our joint actions and the first step in defining and a culture of commitment and inclusion for the future, other entrepreneurs take charge.”

Die besten Arbeitgeber der Welt haben ihren Erfolg bei der Schaffung großartiger Arbeitsplätze und ihren Einfluss auf ihre Mitarbeitenden und Gemeinschaften durch ihre Platzierung auf den nationalen Listen unter Beweis gestellt. For an overview of the global business environment identified, including January 2022 or October 2023, Best Workplaces is listening in Asia, Europe, Latin America, Africa, North America or in Australia. The final price is 5,000 cents, of which 40% (or 5,000) are added to the Landes ihres Hauptsitzes tätig sind.

About Experian

Experian is a global data and technology provider, unlocking new insights for people and businesses. Mithilfe has a unique combination of data, analytics and software that will help you define new credit practices, tune-ups and advice for digital marketing businesses and automotive market details. gewinnen. Zudem helfen wir Millionen von Menschen, their finances zu erreichen et dabei Zeit et Geld zu Sparen.

We find in a law on the segments of financial services up to management services, agricultural construction, agricultural financing and public financial management, as well as numerous branch segments.

We invest in talented employees and strong new technologies, data potential and innovations. The FTSE 100 index was assigned to the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) by a team of 22,500 Mitarbeittern in 32 states. Experian Unternehmenszentrale hat seine in Dublin (Ireland). Further information is available for you

Experian and the Experian brands herein are external brands or trademarks of Experian and some subcontractors. And here we have other products and companies that are already in use.

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Experian wins Fortune and Great Place to Work® for World’s Best Workplaces 2024

Michel Troncale

Experian Public Relations

+1 714 830 5462

[email protected]

© Business Wire, Inc.

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