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Power-Wrestling 12/2024 – Alles zum Inhalt

Power-Wrestling 12/2024 – Alles zum Inhalt

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This item is available in our online store on November 29, November 29, in the Handel trade.

Ausgabe 335 has two highlights: The Road to WrestleMania and Wrestlinggeschichte. We analyzed The Rock during the day from WM 41 to a time when a role in the game Storylines took place or was “nurtured” as a challenge for the WWE-Jahreshauptshow in Las Vegas, for the Storyline which will take place as soon as possible.

As part of wrestling, we click on Pro Wrestling in WWII, where Wrestler became active and Pro Wrestling’s Rolle moved into Krieg’s games. We also got a click on the event, and Muhammad Ali on the Wrestling hat. I think Ali doesn’t have a better wrestler nor the number 1 box legend. Welcher Wrestler das war, erfahrt ihr im Artikel. With Walandi Tsanti, we published a blog post, where the tag team wrestler was launched and the singles wrestler was a success.

Other themes of the Wrestlinggeschichte are, like Paul Roma, in his race, an interview with Damien Demento (who saw it, it is a sehr erfolgreicher Künstler ist) and in the matches, the world fell, an overview of the match twice. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels in Survivor Series 1992.

I’m following the latest episode of the Geschichte of Mexican Struggles with the Fernsehserie Lucha Underground. Beim Death Match Wrestling is a portrait of Cactus Jack. And I’m on two occasions of the Geschichte des Wrestlings film on German television which shows you one of these latest players with highlights about it. And it was Besonderes in the fünf Jahren AEW-Dynamite-Shows passiert ist, erfahrt ihr bei uns.

Naturally, this is another ausführliche official status, as Reich was presented under the title Crown Jewel, the NXT Halloween Havoc and TNA Bound for Glory, all news and shows from WWE, AEW , TNA and Japan are the leaders of WWE and AEW-TV. -Shows. He also portrayed Roxanne Perez, the Outrunners and Nic Nemeth (played much better by Dolph Ziggler).

Exclusive interviews with former WWeler Donovan Dijak, Indy star Kaci Lennox and German promoter and wrestler Aaron Insane. In Germany there is an ausführlichen unlimited fighting tournament, from wXw during the Fan Appreciation Night organized by the Abschlussbericht du POW on the Schützenplatz in Hannover.

People also spoke to us about the dissemination of information about video games. We also get a sneak peek at the Celebrity Death Matches TV series.

One poster features: Survivor Series War Games, Motor City Machine Guns, a collector of AEW wrestler Mariah May, The Hardys, and Celebrity Death Matches artwork.

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