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Where is the console today?

Where is the console today?

If you don’t live forever, you’ll die forever. PlayStation 5 Das Licht der Welt erblickte et Millionen Gamer weltweit in ihren Bann zog. Sony has a great next-gen console – clear layouts, integrated graphics and an incredible game deck. Do you have any previous days when you read the Frage: Konnte Sony all diese Versprechen einlösen? A personal assessment for halftime!

Höhen and Tiefen of the PS5-Ära

Unbestritten hat the PS5 mit ihren technischen Möglichkeiten Maßstäbe be setzt. Revolutionary SSD technology and the power of the new GPU make it possible to shave performance and improved graphics, as if you were on the controller to be able to do it. Play like “Demon’s Souls” and “Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart“Consult this power directly to begin demonstrations. Today, Sony has done it – and the PS5 is entitled to the Next-Gen platform.

Hinzu kam the news DualSense Controllerder unbestritten one of the greatest innovations of this generation of consoles. With haptic feedback and adaptive trigger, role-playing games are taken to a new level. Players respond to feedback from controllers – from the texture of basements in a role-playing game to the space of a bowl. The DualSense controller was designed by gamers and experienced users and by Sony’s innovative brand, today, an innovative hardware for getting involved, which intensifies gaming activities. zuletzt in “Astro Bot” refers to the technology of the controllers for the operation and operation of the PS5. Plattformen abzuheben.

It is about responding to the Schattenseeten and the critical life of this generation. The start of the PS5 does not require any further delays. The chaotic launch suggests that many fans are frustrated, with the monatelang already ready, a console to create. L’extreme begrenzte Verfügbarkeit führte zu a massiven Ansturm, bei the meisten Spieler leer ausgingen, während Scalper the wenigen verfügbaren Geräte zu astronomischen Preisen weiterverkauften. The problem of disaster risk, due to the pandemic and other global crises, has been reflected accordingly. Sony is in this phase with great frustration faced – not next to the Knappheit, but also outside the managed personal communication, which is to this day.

And we will be at the greatest point of criticism of this generation, of the new Kluft from Sony and the same community, integrated into communication. When many players and fans enjoy Feedback, Sony auf einige Wünsche et Kritikpunkte lange nicht einzugehen oder tauchte gefühlt komplett unter. The versions compatible with PS5 are perfect – like specific hardware functions, SSD installation and full 3D sound – without any difficulty or no alternative available. In this case, as Sony has already played a long time in the game, it will be released in the future before it is released. Am Ende hat es fast 3 Jahre gedauert, bis die PS5 all the bot, was ursprünglich anfangs versprochen wurde.

The PS5 policy was also heavily criticized by the community. There are some unspecified timetables for the Preiserhöhungen – sowohl bei den Konsolen as well as bei den PS-Plus-Subscriptions – vielen Spielern fragwürdig. The price of the PS5 has become very high in one region in one region – the price of the PS5 Pro has reached 799 euros, which has not allowed us to see it. Trotz all the Negativpunkte, the vieles zunichtegemacht haben, was Sony with the PS4 aufgebaut hat, is the PS5 an Erfolg. If the PS4 isn’t really used today – and women aren’t using it either – then the changes to the new versions are their unsuccessful work and must be possible.

The PlayStation was released this month for 30 years. Geburtstag mit einer SondereditionThe PlayStation was released this month in a special 30th anniversary edition
The PlayStation was released this month in a special 30th anniversary edition

Fehlschläge im Bereich Live-Service-Games

The Good Player has been a console in the world and was created by Sony in the PS4 generation. A herb recovery product must be Sony in the versions available, as part of the Live-Service-Games service. Both EA and Epic Games have had some pretty long titles on the market, but Sony is here to offer. Project like „Concord” or “The Last of Us” ended with a time frühzeitigen Aus and behind the influence, Sony does not have the rich interest in this market. For a community, the main single-player games are offered by Sony’s focus on the live service to the place.Lernprozess„, der jedoch ziemlich kostspielig gewesen sein muss.

This is a single-player game based on the story of another fan – Anzahl’s Baddest – an area, in Sony’s brilliant tradition. With titles such as “The Last of Us Part II” and “Ghost of Tsushima” on the PS4 generation for Furore, Sony did not design the PS5 versions with simpler hinges. The Community has created a unique narrative theme, the unique charm of the PlayStation. And of course, classic remasters and remakes are not the same, but they have one or more other languages ​​for the old world. In the first disaster in the Live-Service-Bereich, this was created by Sony and Story-Games became the real Fan-Base, and in 2025 it was set up here to finish. Was genau das sein wird, ist aber noch im Unklaren. “Ghost of Yōtei“The Sucker Punch lasts a bit longer than ever.

The PS5 Pro: a chance for a new generation?

Mit der kürzlich veröffentlichten PS5 Pro könnte Sony does not have the long running time of the processing program. Trotz erheblicher Skepsis an der Konsole est la PS5 Pro schon jetzt ein Erfolg and it is for all these people that they are ready to use it. Im Praxiseinsatz zeigt sich jedenfalls ein ganz anderes Bild, als die Vorabberichterstattung hätte vermuten lassen. This is the war between high-end products and a console, which is convenient for all users with one hat.

Better training material is used by women who can be happy – old fans strive to connect with people in the community. A return to clean stars, transparent communication and a clear vision for the later generations of this generation are welcome, when Sony is looking at the player so that other stars can be found more easily. There is no more than 4 years of a single day of optimism to express itself and it is good for men to take the journey of commercial ventures of the PS5 once again, so that the community can better use them.

Every year, after the launch of the PS5, Sony is on an artistic path. The equipment is available, but the community has a simple connection for your activities and services. The PS5 will also be one of the pocketbook users, the PS4 will be connected to the network, with Sony in the last months of a number of things – integrating the most famous single-player games, greater communication and a project management, which is also not queen Gewinnmaximierung wahrgenommen wird.